10.2.7 | TTA - Patient Consent
Dit is de consultatie versie van het Twiin Afsprakenstelsel Release 1.2.0
10.2.7 | TTA - Patient Consent
In certain use cases that require specific patient consent, Twiin mandates the use of Mitz. Mitz is an online consent management system that allows patients to manage their consent choices for the exchange of medical data between healthcare providers.
If a component is a (source) GtK and needs to offer Mitz Connector functionality, it must support multiple Mitz interfaces as specified in the Mitz Afsprakenstelsel 1.0.1.
, multiple selections available,
Het Twiin Afsprakenstelsel is onder Creative Common Licentie
CC BY-SA Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.nl