Dit is de consultatie versie van het Twiin Afsprakenstelsel Release 1.2.0
10.4.1 | IHE ITI-20 | Record Audit Event
At every non-logging transaction an audit event is recorded and sent to the Audit Record Repository.
Use Case Roles
Referenced standards
RFC5424 | The Syslog Protocol. |
RFC5425 | Transmission of Syslog Messages over TLS |
RFC5426 | Transmission of Syslog Messages over UDP |
RFC7525 | Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) |
DICOM | DICOM PS3.15 Annex A.5 http://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part15/sect_A.5.html |
ASTM E2147-01 | Standard Specification for Audit and Disclosure Logs for Use in Health Information Systems |
NIST SP 800-92 | Guide to Computer Security Log Management. |
W3C XML 1.0 | Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 |
HL7 FHIR | Release 4 http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/index.html |
RFC4627 | The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) |
Send Audit Event – Syslog Interaction
For more technical specification, see the original document: https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/TF/Volume2/ITI-20.html
NB: This transaction is always performed in combination with the transaction ITI-40 where user data is added in a SAML token.
NB: All transactions are logged with an ITI-20 audit transaction, see IHE:ITI volume 2 for the correct implementation.”
Send Audit Resource Rerquest Message - FHIR Feed Interaction
This is part of the ITI TF Supplement: Add RESTful ATNA (Query and Feed) - Status: Trial Implementation
For more technical specification, see the original document: paragraph of https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/ITI/IHE_ITI_Suppl_RESTful-ATNA.pdf
Send Audit Bundle Request Message - FHIR Feed Interaction
This is part of the ITI TF Supplement: Add RESTful ATNA (Query and Feed) - Status: Trial Implementation
For more technical specification, see the original document: paragraph of https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/ITI/IHE_ITI_Suppl_RESTful-ATNA.pdf
Het Twiin Afsprakenstelsel is onder Creative Common Licentie
CC BY-SA Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.nl