Dit is de consultatie versie van het Twiin Afsprakenstelsel Release 1.2.0
Z3.2.2 | COR Correspondence implementation
The implementation for correspondence with Notified Pull is based on MedMij PDF/A. This appendix will provide a guideline on how to use the Notified Pull exchange pattern to transfer the correspondence between two healthcare organizations.
The Sending System may choose to provide a Workflow Task resource that can be used to exchange status updates and other workflow related details related to the healthcare process that demands the data exchange. In the context of a referral, the Sending System may choose to provide a Workflow Task resource that is used to exchange details about status updates or other workflow updates related to the referral (see Notification scope).
Although the following example only specifies the correspondence, in reality it will probably be part of another
Name | Card. | Type | Comments |
definition | 0..1 | Reference | Reference to ActivityDefinition resources that defines the requested activity or service |
status | 1..1 | code | requested | received | accepted | rejected | cancelled | completed |
intent | 1..1 | code | “order” |
priority | 0..1 | code | normal | urgent | asap | stat |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept |
-- coding | 1..1 | Coding |
-- -- SNOMED | 1..1 | Slice |
-- -- -- system | 1..1 | string | “http://snomed.info/sct” |
-- -- -- code | 1..1 | code | “3457005” |
-- -- -- display | 0..1 | string | “verwijzen van patiënt” |
-- text | 1..1 | string | “Verwijzing” |
description | 0..1 | string |
focus | 0..1 | Reference(ReferralRequest | CarePlan) |
for | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-patient) | Reference to referred patient |
authoredOn | 0..1 | dateTime | Date of referral submission |
requester | 0..1 | BackboneElement |
-- agent | 1..1 | Reference(nl-core-practitioner) | Reference to the practitioner who sent the referral |
-- -- extension |
| Extension |
-- -- -- practitionerRole |
| Extension(Reference(nl-core-practitionerrole)) | Extension to relate the Practitioner to an organization, Location, HealthcareService, role, specialism, etc. |
-- onBehalfOf | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-organization) | Reference to the Sending Organization |
owner | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-organization) | Reference to the Receiving Organization |
restriction | 0..1 | BackboneElement |
-- period | 0..1 | Period |
-- -- start | 0..1 | dateTime | Earliest date to start requested treatment or service |
-- -- end | 0..1 | dateTime | Latest date to start requested treatment or service |
input | 0..* | BackboneElement |
-- correspondence | 0..1 | Slice |
-- -- type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept |
-- -- coding | 1..* | Coding |
-- -- -- SNOMED | 1..1 | Slice |
-- -- -- -- system | 1..1 | string | “http://snomed.info/sct” |
-- -- -- -- code | 1..1 | code | “62591000146104” |
-- -- -- -- display | 0..1 | string | “Correspondence” |
-- -- text | 1..1 | string | “Correspondence” |
-- -- valueString | 1..1 | string | “/Binary/<id>” |
As described in the section Notified Pull interaction every reference can be coded specific to the part.
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