Z1.2 | BgZ Volume 2a - Twiin Technical Agreement

Z1.2 | BgZ Volume 2a - Twiin Technical Agreement

This volume describes the technical side of the agreements to exchange information described in the Dutch standard Basisgegevensset Zorg. This technical agreement provides the exchange patterns in which this standard will be transmitted between two Twiin participants. In both patterns the consulting party should only query the data that is necessary.

Pushing the information

Because of the potential size of and potential security issues with the dataset BgZ, a traditional push was not preferred. The Notified Pull exchange pattern provides more possibilities surrounding these potential problems, like data minimisation by only querying the data that is needed and using user authentication on privacy data.

Pulling the information

Due to the nature of the dataset, the natural pull is the exchange pattern direct pull. There is only one dataset in each datasource, which means there is no need for further indexing. Localising the datasources is enough to find the dataset.


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