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CapabilityStatement (eHealth Mogelijkheden) - [review]

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De (FHIR) CapabilityStatement (resource) beschrijft de aangeboden mogelijkheden van een eHealth (FHIR) dienst, waarmee gecommuniceerd wordt.

Een FHIR (Resource) Provider MOET een lijst kunnen tonen, via het metadata endpoint, van mogelijkheden die ondersteund worden, zoals:

  • Resource types
  • Formaten
  • Interacties
  • Search (Zoek) parameters

Zie ook FHIR


FHIR Specification (v4.0.1: R4 - Mixed Normative and STU). Dit is de huidige gepubliceerde versie. Zie ook:

Koppeltaal 2.0 (draft) profiel van CapabilityStatement





User Stories

  1. Elke actor kan een CapabilityStatement opvragen bij een FHIR (Resource) Provider. De  (anonieme) actor heeft hiervoor geen autorisatie nodig.
  2. De URL van de Capability Statement is [base]/metadata.

Basis URL (base)

Tijdens de implementatie van de fysieke FHIR-server is de basis-URL standaard https://<dns fhir-server>/fhir. Om meerdere domeinen op één fysieke FHIR-server te kunnen faciliteren (multi tenant), wordt in het pad achter /fhir de naam van het domein opgenomen:

https://<dns fhir-server>/fhir/<domein>

Overige standaard URL's

Parameters voor zoekopdrachten (search) en abonnementen (subscription.criteria)

HTTP Request



/metadataGetOphalen van de capabiliteit en configuratie van de implementatie en deployment van de FHIR-standaard

Aandachtspunten bij migratie vanuit Koppeltaal 1.x / DSTU1


Aannames en opmerkingen:

RESTful diensten moeten op aanvraag een CapabilityStatement kunnen leveren, waarin staat:

  • welke resources en profielen ze ondersteunen en bewerken
  • diensten die authenticatie vereisen, moeten een CapabilityStatement retourneren voordat authenticatie en/of autorisatie wordt uitgevoerd
  • zoekparameters die een dienst ondersteunt worden gespecificeerd in het resource profiel waarnaar het Capability Statement verwijst
  • resource en/of operaties die niet worden vermeld, worden niet ondersteund

Het volgende CapabilityStatement is een voorbeeld. 

CapabilityStatement (XML)
<CapabilityStatement xmlns=''>
  <id value='example'/>
  <url value='urn:uuid:68D043B5-9ECF-4559-A57A-396E0D452311'/>
  <version value='20210101'/>
  <name value='KT2'/>
  <title value='Koppeltaal v2 Capability Statement'/>
  <status value='draft'/>
  <experimental value='true'/>
  <date value='2021-01-01'/>
  <kind value='instance'/>
    <name value='KT'/>
    <version value=''/>
    <releaseDate value='2021-03-31'/>
  <fhirVersion value='4.0.1'/>
  <format value='xml'/>
  <format value='json'/>
    <mode value='server'/>
      <extension url=''>
        <extension url='jwks'>
          <valueUri value='https://<dns autorisatieserver>/.well-known/jwks.json'/>
        <extension url='token'>
          <valueUri value='https://<dns autorisatieserver>/oauth2/token'/>
        <extension url='authorize'>
          <valueUri value='https://<dns autorisatieserver>/oauth2/authorize'/>
        <extension url='introspect'>
          <valueUri value='https://<dns autorisatieserver>/oauth2/introspect'/>
      <cors value='true'/>
          <system value=''/>
          <code value='SMART-on-FHIR'/>
      <description value='See Smart on FHIR documentation'/>
      <supportedProfile value=''/>
      <type value='Patient'/>
      <profile value=''/>
      <documentation value='This server does not let the clients create identities.'/>
        <code value='read'/>
        <code value='vread'/>
        <documentation value='Only supported for patient records since 12-Dec 2012'/>
        <code value='update'/>
        <code value='history-instance'/>
        <code value='create'/>
        <code value='history-type'/>
      <versioning value='versioned-update'/>
      <readHistory value='true'/>
      <updateCreate value='false'/>
      <conditionalCreate value='true'/>
      <conditionalRead value='full-support'/>
      <conditionalUpdate value='false'/>
      <conditionalDelete value='not-supported'/>
      <searchInclude value='Organization'/>
      <searchRevInclude value='Person'/>
        <name value='identifier'/>
        <definition value=''/>
        <type value='token'/>
        <documentation value='Only supports search by institution MRN'/>
        <name value='general-practitioner'/>
        <definition value=''/>
        <type value='reference'/>
      <code value='transaction'/>
      <code value='history-system'/>
    <compartment value=''/>

CapabilityStatement (JSON)
  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "id": "af27c6cc-2571-41dc-9a50-66b550bde621",
  "name": "RestServer",
  "status": "active",
  "date": "2023-02-21T10:44:27Z",
  "publisher": "Not provided",
  "kind": "instance",
  "software": {
    "name": "HAPI FHIR Server",
    "version": "6.2.2"
  "implementation": {
    "description": "HAPI FHIR R4 Server",
    "url": ""
  "fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
  "format": [ "*/*", "xml", "json", "application/fhir+xml", "application/xml", "application/fhir+json", "application/json", "html/json", "html/xml" ],
  "patchFormat": [ "application/fhir+json", "application/fhir+xml", "application/json-patch+json", "application/xml-patch+xml" ],
  "rest": [ {
    "mode": "server",
    "security": {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "extension": [ {
          "url": "jwks",
          "valueUri": ""
        }, {
          "url": "token",
          "valueUri": ""
        }, {
          "url": "authorize",
          "valueUri": ""
        }, {
          "url": "introspect",
          "valueUri": ""
        } ]
      } ],
      "service": [ {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "SMART-on-FHIR"
        } ],
        "text": "OAuth2 using SMART-on-FHIR profile (see"
      } ]
    "resource": [ {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 65
      } ],
      "type": "ActivityDefinition",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "The activity definition publication date"
      }, {
        "name": "successor",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "What resource is being referenced"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "derived-from",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "What resource is being referenced"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The description of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A type of use context assigned to the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "predecessor",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "What resource is being referenced"
      }, {
        "name": "composed-of",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "What resource is being referenced"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The human-friendly name of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "depends-on",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "What resource is being referenced"
      }, {
        "name": "effective",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use"
      }, {
        "name": "endpoint",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by endpoint for an ActivityDefinition"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A use context assigned to the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "External identifier for the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher-identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by publisher-identifier for an ActivityDefinition"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The business version of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "The uri that identifies the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Computationally friendly name of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Name of the publisher of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "topic",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Topics associated with the module"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The current status of the activity definition"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 2448
      } ],
      "type": "AuditEvent",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Time when the event was recorded"
      }, {
        "name": "entity-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Type of entity involved"
      }, {
        "name": "agent",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Identifier of who"
      }, {
        "name": "entity-role",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "What role the entity played"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The identity of source detecting the event"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Type/identifier of event"
      }, {
        "name": "altid",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Alternative User identity"
      }, {
        "name": "agent-name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Human friendly name for the agent"
      }, {
        "name": "entity-name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Descriptor for entity"
      }, {
        "name": "subtype",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "More specific type/id for the event"
      }, {
        "name": "patient",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Identifier of who"
      }, {
        "name": "action",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Type of action performed during the event"
      }, {
        "name": "outcome",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Whether the event succeeded or failed"
      }, {
        "name": "policy",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Policy that authorized event"
      }, {
        "name": "traceId",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search trace id for tracking audit events"
      }, {
        "name": "address",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Identifier for the network access point of the user device"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "site",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical source location within the enterprise"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "agent-role",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Agent role in the event"
      }, {
        "name": "entity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Specific instance of resource"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 897
      } ],
      "type": "Binary",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "type": "Bundle",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Persistent identifier for the bundle"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "message",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is \"message\" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "composition",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is \"document\" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "timestamp",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the bundle was assembled"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "type": "CapabilityStatement",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "software",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Part of the name of a software application"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "fhirversion",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The version of FHIR"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "mode",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "guide",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Implementation guides supported"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "A profile id invoked in a capability statement"
      }, {
        "name": "resource",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "format",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "supported-profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Profiles for use cases supported"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "security-service",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 14
      } ],
      "type": "CareTeam",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "", "", "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Date first version of the resource instance was recorded\r\n* [CarePlan](careplan.html): Time period plan covers\r\n* [CareTeam](careteam.html): Time period team covers\r\n* [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): When the assessment was documented\r\n* [Composition](composition.html): Composition editing time\r\n* [Consent](consent.html): When this Consent was created or indexed\r\n* [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The clinically relevant time of the report\r\n* [Encounter](encounter.html): A date within the period the Encounter lasted\r\n* [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The provided date search value falls within the episode of care's period\r\n* [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): When history was recorded or last updated\r\n* [Flag](flag.html): Time period when flag is active\r\n* [Immunization](immunization.html): Vaccination  (non)-Administration Date\r\n* [List](list.html): When the list was prepared\r\n* [Observation](observation.html): Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period\r\n* [Procedure](procedure.html): When the procedure was performed\r\n* [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): When was assessment made?\r\n* [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): When the request was made\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): External ids for this item\r\n* [CarePlan](careplan.html): External Ids for this plan\r\n* [CareTeam](careteam.html): External Ids for this team\r\n* [Composition](composition.html): Version-independent identifier for the Composition\r\n* [Condition](condition.html): A unique identifier of the condition record\r\n* [Consent](consent.html): Identifier for this record (external references)\r\n* [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Unique id for the detected issue\r\n* [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Business identifier for request/order\r\n* [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): An identifier for the report\r\n* [DocumentManifest](documentmanifest.html): Unique Identifier for the set of documents\r\n* [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Master Version Specific Identifier\r\n* [Encounter](encounter.html): Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known\r\n* [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): Business Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare\r\n* [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): A search by a record identifier\r\n* [Goal](goal.html): External Ids for this goal\r\n* [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Identifiers for the Study, such as DICOM Study Instance UID and Accession number\r\n* [Immunization](immunization.html): Business identifier\r\n* [List](list.html): Business identifier\r\n* [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): Return administrations with this external identifier\r\n* [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses with this external identifier\r\n* [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier\r\n* [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Return statements with this external identifier\r\n* [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): Return nutrition orders with this external identifier\r\n* [Observation](observation.html): The unique id for a particular observation\r\n* [Procedure](procedure.html): A unique identifier for a procedure\r\n* [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Unique identifier for the assessment\r\n* [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Identifiers assigned to this order\r\n* [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): External identifier\r\n* [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): Business Identifier for SupplyRequest\r\n* [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "subject",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Who care team is for"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "encounter",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Encounter created as part of"
      }, {
        "name": "participant",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Who is involved"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "patient",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Who the sensitivity is for\r\n* [CarePlan](careplan.html): Who the care plan is for\r\n* [CareTeam](careteam.html): Who care team is for\r\n* [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): Patient or group assessed\r\n* [Composition](composition.html): Who and/or what the composition is about\r\n* [Condition](condition.html): Who has the condition?\r\n* [Consent](consent.html): Who the consent applies to\r\n* [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Associated patient\r\n* [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Individual the service is ordered for\r\n* [DeviceUseStatement](deviceusestatement.html): Search by subject - a patient\r\n* [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The subject of the report if a patient\r\n* [DocumentManifest](documentmanifest.html): The subject of the set of documents\r\n* [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Who/what is the subject of the document\r\n* [Encounter](encounter.html): The patient or group present at the encounter\r\n* [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The patient who is the focus of this episode of care\r\n* [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): The identity of a subject to list family member history items for\r\n* [Flag](flag.html): The identity of a subject to list flags for\r\n* [Goal](goal.html): Who this goal is intended for\r\n* [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Who the study is about\r\n* [Immunization](immunization.html): The patient for the vaccination record\r\n* [List](list.html): If all resources have the same subject\r\n* [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): The identity of a patient to list administrations  for\r\n* [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses  for\r\n* [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Returns prescriptions for a specific patient\r\n* [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Returns statements for a specific patient.\r\n* [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): The identity of the person who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement\r\n* [Observation](observation.html): The subject that the observation is about (if patient)\r\n* [Procedure](procedure.html): Search by subject - a patient\r\n* [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Who/what does assessment apply to?\r\n* [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Search by subject - a patient\r\n* [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): Patient for whom the item is supplied\r\n* [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses for\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "category",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Type of team"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "proposed | active | suspended | inactive | entered-in-error"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 53
      } ],
      "type": "CodeSystem",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A code defined in the code system"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "language",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A language in which a designation is provided"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "content-mode",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "supplements",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Find code system supplements for the referenced code system"
      }, {
        "name": "system",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "upload-external-code-system",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "apply-codesystem-delta-remove",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "apply-codesystem-delta-add",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "validate-code",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "subsumes",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "lookup",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 42
      } ],
      "type": "Device",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "udi-di",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The udi Device Identifier (DI)"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others"
      }, {
        "name": "udi-carrier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format."
      }, {
        "name": "device-name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type."
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The type of the device"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Network address to contact device"
      }, {
        "name": "manufacturer",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The manufacturer of the device"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "patient",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "organization",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The organization responsible for the device"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "location",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "A location, where the resource is found"
      }, {
        "name": "model",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The model of the device"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 19
      } ],
      "type": "Endpoint",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Identifies this endpoint across multiple systems"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "payload-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "connection-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection"
      }, {
        "name": "organization",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The organization that is managing the endpoint"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A name that this endpoint can be identified by"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The current status of the Endpoint (usually expected to be active)"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "type": "Group",
      "profile": "",
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "actual",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Descriptive or actual"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Unique id"
      }, {
        "name": "managing-entity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition"
      }, {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The kind of resources contained"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The type of resources the group contains"
      }, {
        "name": "characteristic",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Kind of characteristic"
      }, {
        "name": "characteristic-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "A composite of both characteristic and value"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "member",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Reference to the group member"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "exclude",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Group includes or excludes"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Value held by characteristic"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "export",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 5
      } ],
      "type": "NamingSystem",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "e.g. driver,  provider,  patient, bank etc."
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "contact",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Name of an individual to contact"
      }, {
        "name": "responsible",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Who maintains system namespace?"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "telecom",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Contact details for individual or organization"
      }, {
        "name": "value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The unique identifier"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "period",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When is identifier valid?"
      }, {
        "name": "kind",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "codesystem | identifier | root"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "id-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "oid | uuid | uri | other"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "type": "OperationDefinition",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "read"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Name used to invoke the operation"
      }, {
        "name": "instance",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Invoke on an instance?"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Invoke at the type level?"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "output-profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Validation information for out parameters"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "kind",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "operation | query"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "input-profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Validation information for in parameters"
      }, {
        "name": "system",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Invoke at the system level?"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "base",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Marks this as a profile of the base"
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 32
      } ],
      "type": "Organization",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "", "", "", "", "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)"
      }, {
        "name": "partof",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "An organization of which this organization forms a part"
      }, {
        "name": "address",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"
      }, {
        "name": "address-state",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A state specified in an address"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "active",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Is the Organization record active"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A code for the type of organization"
      }, {
        "name": "address-postalcode",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A postal code specified in an address"
      }, {
        "name": "address-country",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A country specified in an address"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "endpoint",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization"
      }, {
        "name": "phonetic",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "address-use",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A use code specified in an address"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name or alias"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "address-city",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A city specified in an address"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 116
      } ],
      "type": "Patient",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "", "", "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "birthdate",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): The patient's date of birth\r\n* [Person](person.html): The person's date of birth\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): The Related Person's date of birth\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "deceased",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered"
      }, {
        "name": "address-state",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A state specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "gender",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): Gender of the patient\r\n* [Person](person.html): The gender of the person\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): Gender of the practitioner\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): Gender of the related person\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "link",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "All patients linked to the given patient"
      }, {
        "name": "language",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Language code (irrespective of use value)"
      }, {
        "name": "address-country",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A country specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "death-date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value"
      }, {
        "name": "phonetic",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [Person](person.html): A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "telecom",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient\r\n* [Person](person.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "address-city",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A city specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "email",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [Person](person.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A value in an email contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "given",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of the given name of the patient\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of the given name\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A patient identifier"
      }, {
        "name": "address",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [Person](person.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "general-practitioner",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "active",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Whether the patient record is active"
      }, {
        "name": "address-postalcode",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A postalCode specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A postal code specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A postalCode specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A postal code specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "phone",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [Person](person.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "organization",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "The organization that is the custodian of the patient record"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "address-use",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "family",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of the family name of the patient\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of the family name\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "export",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "everything",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 24
      } ],
      "type": "Practitioner",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "", "", "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "address-state",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A state specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A state specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "gender",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): Gender of the patient\r\n* [Person](person.html): The gender of the person\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): Gender of the practitioner\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): Gender of the related person\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "address-country",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A country specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A country specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "phonetic",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [Person](person.html): A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "telecom",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient\r\n* [Person](person.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): The value in any kind of contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "address-city",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A city specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A city specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "communication",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with"
      }, {
        "name": "email",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [Person](person.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): A value in an email contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A value in an email contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "given",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of the given name of the patient\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of the given name\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A practitioner's Identifier"
      }, {
        "name": "address",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [Person](person.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "active",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Whether the practitioner record is active"
      }, {
        "name": "address-postalcode",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A postalCode specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A postal code specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A postalCode specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A postal code specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "phone",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [Person](person.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [PractitionerRole](practitionerrole.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A value in a phone contact\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "address-use",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [Person](person.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n* [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): A use code specified in an address\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "family",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [Patient](patient.html): A portion of the family name of the patient\r\n* [Practitioner](practitioner.html): A portion of the family name\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 6
      } ],
      "type": "SearchParameter",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Code used in URL"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "derived-from",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Original definition for the search parameter"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "number | date | string | token | reference | composite | quantity | uri | special"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "target",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Types of resource (if a resource reference)"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "component",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Defines how the part works"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "base",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The resource type(s) this search parameter applies to"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 165
      } ],
      "type": "StructureDefinition",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "experimental",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "For testing purposes, not real usage"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Type defined or constrained by this structure"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "path",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A path that is constrained in the StructureDefinition"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "base-path",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Path that identifies the base element"
      }, {
        "name": "keyword",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "A code for the StructureDefinition"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "valueset",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "A vocabulary binding reference"
      }, {
        "name": "kind",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "primitive-type | complex-type | resource | logical"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "abstract",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Whether the structure is abstract"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "ext-context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The system is the URL for the context-type: e.g.|CodeableConcept.text"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "derivation",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "base",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Definition that this type is constrained/specialized from"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "snapshot",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 33
      } ],
      "type": "Subscription",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "criteria",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "The search rules used to determine when to send a notification"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The type of channel for the sent notifications"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "The uri that will receive the notifications"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "payload",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The mime-type of the notification payload"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "contact",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Contact details for the subscription"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "The current state of the subscription"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "trigger-subscription",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 43
      } ],
      "type": "Task",
      "profile": "",
      "supportedProfile": [ "" ],
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by task code"
      }, {
        "name": "subject",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by subject"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "focus",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by task focus"
      }, {
        "name": "part-of",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by task this task is part of"
      }, {
        "name": "group-identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by group identifier"
      }, {
        "name": "based-on",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by requests this task is based on"
      }, {
        "name": "patient",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by patient"
      }, {
        "name": "modified",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Search by last modification date"
      }, {
        "name": "restriction-recipient",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by restriction.recipient"
      }, {
        "name": "owner",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by task owner"
      }, {
        "name": "requester",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by task requester"
      }, {
        "name": "business-status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by business status"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search for a task instance by its business identifier"
      }, {
        "name": "period",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Search by period Task is/was underway"
      }, {
        "name": "performer",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by recommended type of performer (e.g., Requester, Performer, Scheduler)."
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "instantiates-canonical",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition"
      }, {
        "name": "encounter",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search by encounter"
      }, {
        "name": "authored-on",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Search by creation date"
      }, {
        "name": "priority",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by task priority"
      }, {
        "name": "intent",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by task intent"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Search by task status"
      }, {
        "name": "resource-origin",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "reference",
        "documentation": "Search domain resources by resource-origin."
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "extension": [ {
        "url": "",
        "valueDecimal": 166
      } ],
      "type": "ValueSet",
      "profile": "",
      "interaction": [ {
        "code": "search-type"
      }, {
        "code": "update"
      }, {
        "code": "vread"
      }, {
        "code": "read"
      }, {
        "code": "patch"
      }, {
        "code": "history-type"
      }, {
        "code": "history-instance"
      }, {
        "code": "delete"
      }, {
        "code": "create"
      } ],
      "versioning": "versioned-update",
      "conditionalCreate": true,
      "conditionalUpdate": true,
      "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
      "searchParam": [ {
        "name": "date",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "code",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "This special parameter searches for codes in the value set. See additional notes on the ValueSet resource"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-value",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_lastUpdated",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "date",
        "documentation": "When the resource version last changed"
      }, {
        "name": "jurisdiction",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "description",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "title",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "reference",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set"
      }, {
        "name": "context-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "quantity",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "context-type-quantity",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "composite",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "identifier",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_security",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Security Labels applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "version",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "url",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "expansion",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)"
      }, {
        "name": "_filter",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter"
      }, {
        "name": "_profile",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Profiles this resource claims to conform to"
      }, {
        "name": "_tag",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Tags applied to this resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_has",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
      }, {
        "name": "name",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "publisher",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n"
      }, {
        "name": "_source",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "uri",
        "documentation": "Identifies where the resource comes from"
      }, {
        "name": "_id",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact"
      }, {
        "name": "_text",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the narrative of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "_content",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "string",
        "documentation": "Search on the entire content of the resource"
      }, {
        "name": "status",
        "definition": "",
        "type": "token",
        "documentation": "Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n"
      } ],
      "operation": [ {
        "name": "validate-code",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "invalidate-expansion",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "expand",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "validate",
        "definition": ""
      }, {
        "name": "meta-delete",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta-add",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource"
      }, {
        "name": "meta",
        "definition": "",
        "documentation": "Request a list of tags, profiles, and security labels for a specfic resource instance"
      }, {
        "name": "expunge",
        "definition": ""
      } ]
    } ],
    "interaction": [ {
      "code": "transaction"
    }, {
      "code": "history-system"
    } ],
    "operation": [ {
      "name": "partition-management-update-partition",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "partition-management-delete-partition",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "partition-management-list-partitions",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "partition-management-create-partition",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "partition-management-read-partition",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "reindex",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "export-poll-status",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "export",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "process-message",
      "definition": "",
      "documentation": "Accept a FHIR Message Bundle for processing"
    }, {
      "name": "perform-reindexing-pass",
      "definition": "",
      "documentation": "Forces a single pass of the resource reindexing processor"
    }, {
      "name": "meta",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "mark-all-resources-for-reindexing",
      "definition": "",
      "documentation": "Marks all currently existing resources of a given type, or all resources of all types, for reindexing."
    }, {
      "name": "get-resource-counts",
      "definition": "",
      "documentation": "Provides the number of resources currently stored on the server, broken down by resource type"
    }, {
      "name": "expunge",
      "definition": ""
    }, {
      "name": "reindex-terminology",
      "definition": ""
    } ]
  } ]

  • No labels