Although the following example only specifies the correspondence, in reality it will probably be part of another
Name | Card. | Type | Comments |
definition | 0..1 | Reference | Reference to ActivityDefinition resources that defines the requested activity or service |
status | 1..1 | code | requested | received | accepted | rejected | cancelled | completed |
intent | 1..1 | code | “order” |
priority | 0..1 | code | normal | urgent | asap | stat |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept |
-- coding | 1..1 | Coding |
-- -- SNOMED | 1..1 | Slice |
-- -- -- system | 1..1 | string | “http://snomed.info/sct” |
-- -- -- code | 1..1 | code | “3457005” |
-- -- -- display | 0..1 | string | “verwijzen van patiënt” |
-- text | 1..1 | string | “Verwijzing” |
description | 0..1 | string |
focus | 0..1 | Reference(ReferralRequest | CarePlan) |
for | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-patient) | Reference to referred patient |
authoredOn | 0..1 | dateTime | Date of referral submission |
requester | 0..1 | BackboneElement |
-- agent | 1..1 | Reference(nl-core-practitioner) | Reference to the practitioner who sent the referral |
-- -- extension |
| Extension |
-- -- -- practitionerRole |
| Extension(Reference(nl-core-practitionerrole)) | Extension to relate the Practitioner to an organization, Location, HealthcareService, role, specialism, etc. |
-- onBehalfOf | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-organization) | Reference to the Sending Organization |
owner | 0..1 | Reference(nl-core-organization) | Reference to the Receiving Organization |
restriction | 0..1 | BackboneElement |
-- period | 0..1 | Period |
-- -- start | 0..1 | dateTime | Earliest date to start requested treatment or service |
-- -- end | 0..1 | dateTime | Latest date to start requested treatment or service |
input | 0..* | BackboneElement |
-- correspondence | 0..1 | Slice |
-- -- type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept |
-- -- coding | 1..* | Coding |
-- -- -- SNOMED | 1..1 | Slice |
-- -- -- -- system | 1..1 | string | “http://snomed.info/sct” |
-- -- -- -- code | 1..1 | code | “62591000146104” |
-- -- -- -- display | 0..1 | string | “Correspondence” |
-- -- text | 1..1 | string | “Correspondence” |
-- -- valueString | 1..1 | string | “/Binary/<id>” |
As described in the section Notified Pull interaction every reference can be coded specific to the part.