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Programma van Eisen Medicatieoverdracht
Use cases (functional use cases)
The use cases were refined in cooperation with Nictiz. For the Healthcare Application Medicatieoverdracht the following use cases are relevant and can be found on the Nictiz website or in the PSA which is developed internally.
Functioneel Ontwerp Medicatieproces 9 versie 3.0.0-beta.4 - informatiestandaarden
Functional Design Medication Process 9 version 3.0.0-beta.4 English version - informatiestandaarden
Related documents
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Hier een opsomming van relevante documenten, met onderstaande voorkeuren in prio:
Lijst met links moet een beschrijving bevatten zodat duidelijk is waar de link over gaat. NB. Afspraak is dat alle links zoals in dit document hier bij elkaar gezet worden en aangevuld worden met andere relevante documenten. List
Hier een opsomming van relevante documenten, met onderstaande voorkeuren in prio:
Lijst met links moet een beschrijving bevatten zodat duidelijk is waar de link over gaat. NB. Afspraak is dat alle links zoals in dit document hier bij elkaar gezet worden en aangevuld worden met andere relevante documenten. List
This architecture is performed within a larger framework. See Nictiz page on Interoperabiliteit. This application mainly addresses Application and IT-infrastructure.
FHIR profiles:
Voorbeelden: https://simplifier.net/medicationprocess/~resources?category=Example
Hier volgt een uitgebreide toelichting op het Verzamelbestand informatiestandaarden, zoals te vinden op de (Kickstart) Medicatieoverdracht - Landingspagina documentatie leveranciers - informatiestandaarden.
Dit uitgebreide verzamelbestand bevat informatie over:
VZVZ AoF BGx-Systeemrol (platformgeneriek voor FHIR)
VZVZ AORTA FHIR Systeemrol (specifiek voor zorgtoepassingen binnen FHIR)
VZVZ AORTA v3 Applicatiesysteemrol (specifiek voor zorgtoepassingen binnen v3)
Deze uitleg biedt ondersteuning bij de implementatie van de vereisten voor elke benodigde rol.
zorgtoepassingen binnen FHIR)
VZVZ AORTA v3 Applicatiesysteemrol (specifiek voor zorgtoepassingen binnen v3)
Deze uitleg biedt ondersteuning bij de implementatie van de vereisten voor elke benodigde rol.
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Dataset constraints are transaction specific
Note |
The dataset needs to adhere to the constraints set by the transaction |
Per transaction in the data model in ART DECOR, in the Condition column, refinements are found on attributes. The implementation needs to adhere to these.
These refinements are often the same for all transactions, but sometimes they differ per transaction.
For example, when sending a prescription, there are some fields that are not needed in the prescription and therefore we do not expect them in the prescription. However, when you request and provide medication data, those fields would be included. There are small discrepancies between what is transmitted in one transaction and another.
The advice is to build the building blocks in such a way that you can hide or include attributes in that building block depending on the interaction.
This is also future-proof if you need to move to a newer version of FHIR or other transport protocols.
As implementor, the differences will become apparent, when you Compare transactions side by side.
On big difference is between prescription and medication agreement.
The phone number is mandatory when sending a prescription, but it must not be included when making a medication agreement available (important - we also qualify on this).
The VV relationship to MA (1-) on (0-) depends on the migration.
The information per transaction can be found under: Dataset: mp- DECOR-samenvatting (Data Elements, Codes, OID's en Rules) in the ZorgView column!
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Added for [MVALPHARMAHIS-37] Afwijkingen bouwstenen per interactie - BITS |
Individual use cases
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Voeg hier algemene afwijkingen toe t.o.v. de Nictiz use cases Zet hieronder een overzicht van de beschikbare use cases, een link naar de Nictiz versie en eventueel een aanvulling van de afwijkingen die specifiek zijn voor die use case. Verwijs zo nodig naar andere lokaties. Voorkom dubbel opschrijven. Voeg hier algemene afwijkingen toe t.o.v. de Nictiz use cases Zet hieronder een overzicht van de beschikbare use cases, een link naar de Nictiz versie en eventueel een aanvulling van de afwijkingen die specifiek zijn voor die use case. Verwijs zo nodig naar andere lokaties. Voorkom dubbel opschrijven. |
As mentioned in FHIR Implementation Guide Medication Process 9 version 3.0.0-beta.3 4 - informatiestandaarden - Patient_identification
Within AORTA, each transaction is performed in the context of a specific patient, whose context might has been established using the authentication mechanisms. Patient is part of the token exchange.
VZVZ implementeert lab Observations als open-world extension boven op mp-MedicationPrescription-Bundle nictiz.fhir.nl.r4.medicationprocess9 | mp MedicationPrescription Bundle - SIMPLIFIER.NET.
Wij hebben een security requirement en daarom is het nodig om een access token te verkrijgen dat meegestuurd wordt naar bronsystemen. Dit verandert niets aan de FHIR-search, maar wel de HTTP call.
MP9 search parameter | Description | FHIR search parameter | Nictiz | VZVA (AoF) | ||||||
PatientIdentificationNumber | Search on patient. |
| NOT supported on argument line is part of context | |||||||
Identification | Search on identifier. |
| Supported via GET [base] https://aorta-on-fhir.scrollhelp.site/aorta-on-fhir-specificaties/Working-versionlatest/use-cases-resource-broker-v3-in#UseCasesResourceBrokerv3-in-Transformatiegeneriekeparametersnaarinteractie-specifiekeparameters $get-aorta-data? &instance-identifier=<http://example.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/MedicationRequest|<id> | ||||||
Identification | Search on the pharmaceutical treatment identifier. Note: retrieval of all medication resources belonging to one pharmaceutical treatment requires to search on all medication resource types. |
| Supported via GET [base] https://aorta-on-fhir.scrollhelp.site/aorta-on-fhir-specificaties/Working-versionlatest/use-cases-resource-broker-v3-in#UseCasesResourceBrokerv3-in-Transformatiegeneriekeparametersnaarinteractie-specifiekeparameters $get-aorta-data? &therapy-identifier=<http://example.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/pharmaceuticaltreatment|<id> | ||||||
Type | Search on type of medication building block. |
| Retrieves all MedicationRequest resources that represent the building block MedicationAgreement.
Retrieves all MedicationRequest resources that represent the building block DispenseRequest.
Retrieves all MedicationRequest resources that represent the building block VariableDosingRegimen.
| Supported via GET [base] as &category=http://snomed.info/sct|<category> | ||||||
Retrieves all MedicationDispense resources that represent the building block MedicationDispense.
Retrieves all MedicationDispense resources that represent the building block AdministrationAgreement.
| Supported | |||||||||
Retrieves all MedicationStatement resources that represent the building block MedicationUse2.
| Supported | |||||||||
Retrieves all MedicationAdministration resources that represent the building block MedicationAdministration2.
| Supported | |||||||||
MedicationCode | Search on medication code. |
| NOT SUPPORTED? | |||||||
PeriodOfUse | Search on the MedicationAgreement, VariableDosingRegimen, AdministrationAgreement and MedicationUse2 building blocks that are related to medication that was used, is used or will be used during the indicated period. Whenever a search is done on the MedicationAgreement, VariableDosingRegimen or AdministrationAgreement building blocks it is required to also include the latest stopped building blocks of that kind within each pharmaceutical treatment, even if these have a period of use outside the PeriodOfUse that is being searched on. |
| Supported via effective-time as GebruiksPeriode GET [base] https://aorta-on-fhir.scrollhelp.site/aorta-on-fhir-specificaties/Working-versionlatest/use-cases-resource-broker-v3-in#UseCasesResourceBrokerv3-in-Transformatiegeneriekeparametersnaarinteractie-specifiekeparameters | |||||||
DispensePeriod | Returns all medication dispenses within the specified time period. |
| Supported via effective-time as VerstrekkingsPeriode GET [base] https://aorta-on-fhir.scrollhelp.site/aorta-on-fhir-specificaties/Working-versionlatest/use-cases-resource-broker-v3-in#UseCasesResourceBrokerv3-in-Transformatiegeneriekeparametersnaarinteractie-specifiekeparameters | |||||||
AdministrationPeriod | Returns all medication administrations within the specified time period. |
| Supported via effective-time as ToedieningsPeriode GET [base] https://aorta-on-fhir.scrollhelp.site/aorta-on-fhir-specificaties/Working-versionlatest/use-cases-resource-broker-v3-in#UseCasesResourceBrokerv3-in-Transformatiegeneriekeparametersnaarinteractie-specifiekeparameters | |||||||
- | The client may request that the server returns resources related to the search results, in order to reduce the overall network delay of repeated retrievals of related resources. Supporting the include of the Patient and Medication resources referenced by building blocks is required. Others (Organization, Location, PractitionerRole, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Observation) are optional. However: all resources referenced per literal reference SHALL be resolvable per the Nictiz IG. |
| Not Supported via arguments! Includes arec are implicit and automatically added by VZVZ based on agreements with Nictiz. |
Profile Element Provenance.contained.Device.deviceName of profile vzvz.fhir.nl-vzvz-core | NLVZVZDevice - SIMPLIFIER.NET
Bundle Element /Bundle/entry/resource/Provenance/contained/Device[@id='#nl-vzvz-Device-contained']/deviceName/name as in example VZVZ vzvz.fhir.aof | aorta-provenance-example-bundle - SIMPLIFIER.NET
The current focus is on reliability and efficiency over additional functionality.
The receiving party may use the Zorg-AB to obtain a user-friendly-name displayname.
Project/package | Description |
The profiles and examples related to MO | |
AoF | link naar de scrollhelp pagina met alle AORTA-profielen |
AORTA specifications: see all the links combined in the AORTA 2024.1 release AoF Releases as ‘AoF Release’ with label “AoF.2024.1” (Functionaliteit die nodig is voor de kickstart MO).
The various calls on the various API’s adhere to naming conventions by Nictiz and VZVZ.
See requirements in Programma van Eisen Medicatieoverdracht.
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See requirements in Programma van Eisen Medicatieoverdracht.
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See requirements in Programma van Eisen Medicatieoverdracht.
See Architectuur; Actors
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Benodigde configurations, waarbij elke bullet point bij voorkeur embedded wordt opgenomen:
Voeg hier ook informatie m.b.t. de validatietools toe. Zie ook MEDVEILIG-177 Benodigde configurations, waarbij elke bullet point bij voorkeur embedded wordt opgenomen:
Voeg hier ook informatie m.b.t. de validatietools toe. Zie ook MEDVEILIG-177 - Issue details worden opgehaald... STATUS voor links |
Person | Role/Type of questions | Contact |
Bart Molenaar | Product Manager | |
VZVZ TestteamQuestions re connections, acceptations, testscripts | ||
VZVZ ArchitectsQuestions re PvE….. |
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